Growind is a system designed to resolve and automate the entire process of growing cannabis indoors.
It offers a comprehensive solution for the control and management of all the environmental parameters necessary for the cultivation of cannabis.
With the application, the system provides a large amount of data, guaranteeing a higher quality and quantity of the crop.
My name is Javier Arriba, I am the CEO of GROWIND and I would like to share the origin, the present moment and the future objectives of this innovative cultivation system.
I have been self-sufficient with cannabis for 22 years and in the last six years with medical cannabis, in all this time I have introduced all kinds of automatisms into my crop either that I have designed and manufactured, or that I have found on the market, some with greater success than others, but since they are elements of different origin, the interconnection between them was complex for me, but with the passing of time and unconsciously I was acquiring knowledge that has been decisive in the achievement of GROWIND.
In 2017, when I had the active ingredient CBD, I decided to make my first cream and oil, discovering firsthand the potential of this cannabidoid, I automatically shared
with my closest circle my new discovery, having a pleasant joy when verifying the number of conditions that this cannabidoid improved or made disappear.
As my supply capacity for my entire environment was limited, I began to encourage them to supply themselves by cultivating the plant where the active principle CBD was created and thus have a constant supply, one might think that the biggest limitation could be the legal situation of this plant to cultivate it, knowing that my environment is aware of all the fallacies and self-interested misinformation, that it has turned and continues to turn to this plant. The common denominator in the responses of my relatives was lack of knowledge and therefore the complexity of growing crops, followed by those of I don't have time, I don't have patience, etc...
This was the turning point, in which the seed that would design GROWIND for me was born inside me so that everyone could easily and didactically access this wonderful CBD cannabidoid and currently the CBG of which the latest reports indicate its great potential and that I can particularly endorse.
In 2018 the fascinating mission of designing an integral system that would cover all the very specific needs of indoor cultivation begins, automatically and at the same time in a didactic way as I mentioned before.
I have to make a special mention and thanks to all the professionals who have helped me make this fascinating but not easy mission a reality.
GROWIND currently needs one last economic push to be able to go through the engineering team and finish the planimetry to comply with the regulations before the industry and thus begin the manufacturing process and, at the same time, the commercialization.
Although GROWIND currently has very consolidated bases, with three assigned use patents and one of them with the designation granted by the patent office of ¨ world novelty ¨, the appearance and consolidation of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, makes GROWIND continue to evolve. In the last meeting with the engineers collaborating on the project, they perfectly saw the integration of this latest technology, since the digital and design characteristics_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ of the GROWIND system allowed it.
In the last tests carried out with the GROWIND prototypes, I began to envision the possibility of applying this technology in the cultivation of vegetables for own consumption and using solar energy to supply the system and make it completely autonomous and at the same time improving its profitability.
investment reserves
In the Investment Round, shares of the company will be offered. The shares will be generated through a capital increase with an issue premium.
Fill in the following form with your information and indicate the investment range in which you would be interested (in €). By sending the form duly completed.
GROWING will take into account your interest in participating in the project. The company, once the investment term has been opened, undertakes to duly inform you of the details of the financing round and its terms. It will send an email to the address provided in the form to keep you informed about the process that we are going to launch.
The persons or entities that have completed this form will have preference in the acquisition of shares.